
Dual WAN / Load Balancing under PfSense 2.0

Load balancing & dual wan are magic and pretty helpful. If you found this post I guess you know what it is but lets summarize : you have several internet connections and need to balance the outgoing trafic of your users to these connections.

In PFsense 2.0 it is a bit different in the making than with previous versions.

Follow these steps to get running:

– Configure properly your two WAN interfaces .. you can name them WAN1 / WAN2
– Go to System / Routing et dans l’onglet Gateways and if you’re missing one for one WAN, create it
– In System / Routing click the tab “groups” and create a group in which you’ll add both WANs with “tier 1” and the trigger condition being “member down”. You can adjust that later.

This should look like :

Now you have to tell the firewall that outgoing trafic will go through this load balancing group :

– Go to Firewall / Rules and in your “LAN” tab, edit the rule that allows trafic to Internet .. click on “gateway” in the advanced editing of settings. Choose here to have the traffic go through the routing group you created earlier. Save.
– Apply your settings

Tadam, it should work 🙂

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